
How To Delete Documents And Data From Safari

Seen this popup on your iPhone recently?

It tin exist frustrating to discover that you're running low on storage, particularly if information technology comes at a fourth dimension when you're trying to update your iPhone, or save more content to your phone. Whether you're downloading music on Spotify or Apple tree Music, saving TV shows and films from Netflix or Prime Video, or simply trying to take and share more than pictures, we've got you covered with our definitive guide to freeing up space on your iPhone.

Unfortunately, the only manner to free up space is past removing content. Obviously, you lot don't want to delete any meaningful photos, messages, videos or music, but what about other data, that you lot might not be able to run into? We're going to look at the various ways yous can increase storage space on your iPhone -- and they're all free.

Click the links below to move to a specific section, or read through the article as a whole for maximum storage-saving.

  • Documents and Data
  • Full general storage saving tips
  • Photo Library
  • Messages
  • WhatsApp
  • Films and TV Shows: Netflix, Prime Video and Apple TV
  • Music, Podcasts & Audiobooks: Spotify, Apple tree Music, Podcasts & Audible

Documents and Data

The first step in freeing up infinite on your iPhone is to take a await at the breakup of your current storage. To do this:

  1. Go to Settings on your iPhone
  2. Ringlet downwards to General
  3. Select iPhone Storage

This will show yous how much of your iPhone'south storage you lot're currently using, and how much of each blazon of data y'all're currently storing.

The examples above show the difference in free space on an iPhone that stores Photos in iCloud versus an iPhone that stores photos directly on the device
The examples higher up show the divergence in free space on an iPhone that stores Photos in iCloud versus an iPhone that stores photos directly on the device

Below the breakdown of your storage, yous can see how much storage each of your apps is using, ordered from largest to smallest. Yous may also run across a number of storage-saving recommendations from Apple tree. Don't enable these only yet, as we'll explain the pros and cons of doing so in this guide (spoiler alert: you could end upward removing data you want to keep hold of). If you click on a couple of the apps on this screen, you'll notice that some of the information these apps use is dedicated to something called 'Documents and Information'.

Documents and Data in Spotify and WhatsApp
Documents and Data in Spotify and WhatsApp

The Documents and Data section of an app's storage will often account for the largest amount of data, so reducing this is an constructive style to free up storage on your iPhone. To reduce the amount of storage each app'due south Documents and Data uses, you tin use a multifariousness of methods. The almost direct way to do this is to delete the app and reinstall it, as this will remove all data that isn't essential for the app to run. Of course, you lot'll well-nigh likely desire to keep some of the content stored by this app (such every bit any pre-downloaded audio in Spotify), and then this may not exist the best approach for the apps you lot use about ofttimes. This method won't work for default apps on your iPhone, such as Photos and Messages, every bit these apps cannot be deleted.

General storage saving tips

Removing and offloading unused apps

If y'all've got a lot of apps on your iPhone that you don't use, you can offload them to free up space. You may have noticed that your iPhone does this automatically. To check this, become to SettingsiTunes & App Stores and gyre downward to Offload Unused Apps. If this is toggled on, your iPhone will automatically remove apps that you don't use, but it will keep documents and data for these apps, which uses a picayune more than storage, merely allows y'all to download the apps again without losing data.

Offloaded apps can be identified by the iCloud download image
Offloaded apps can be identified past the iCloud download image

You can also delete apps yourself to gratuitous more data. Deleting apps from your iPhone will remove the app's documents and data, so you'll free up more space, only you lot'll also lose the data stored on the app. As such, you should only delete apps that you're unlikely to need data from in the time to come.

To delete apps, press and hold the app you want to delete, then click Delete App.

What is Other storage and how practise I delete information technology?

If you're looking to reduce the size of storage used by the vaguely named Other category in your iPhone, it can exist difficult to know where to begin.

The Other storage department is used as a bit of a catch-all for annihilation that doesn't fit into the other categories. It includes things like system files, your Safari cache and reading list, your downloaded Siri voices, notes, and voice memos, alongside many other things.

Other data can also appear when your iPhone reorganises itself afterwards applying a change, which can cause data such as Music or Photos to temporarily announced as Other data. For case, if you take your iPhone's Photo Library out of Optimise Photos mode (see the Photos section of this guide for more info on this), you'll see it allocates storage for all of your images every bit Other or Organization. In the sequence of 3 screenshots beneath, we disabled Optimise Photos and saw our device briefly fill up up with Other earlier the phone recategorised that storage as Photos a few minutes later.

An iPhone allocating Photos storage as Other
An iPhone allocating Photos storage as Other

Why doesn't the storage shown on my iPhone add upward?

You lot may have noticed that later on implementing some of the storage-saving methods in this guide, your iPhone storage doesn't seem to reflect what you think it should exist.

When offloading images, if you look at the breakdown of your storage on your iPhone, this will show y'all how much potential storage yous have, though in reality, some of your Photos may be temporarily stored in data marked as free. Yous can use apps such as Diskspace 3 to meet how much free storage you actually take at any one time. Exist aware, notwithstanding, that sometimes third-party apps show a unlike number for free space to the iPhone'due south own indicator. This is considering in some cases, the iPhone won't delete data until it has to. It may go along quondam files hanging around until the device is brusk of space. This is fine: it's safety to rely on the iPhone's indication of free space: it knows what it's doing, and it'll free that space if it needs to!

One way to make certain you lot're not storing any unnecessary information is to dorsum up and restore your iPhone, equally this can remove excessive data logs and caches.

Here are three ways to reduce the size of your Other storage:

Clear your Safari enshroud.

Your Safari cache might be the culprit responsible for your large corporeality of Other iPhone data. You lot can either clear your website data with your search history, or clear but your website data (retaining your search history in case you need information technology). Even if you delete both, your AutoFill data will remain.

To clear your History and Website Data: Go to SettingsSafariClear History and Website Data.

To clear just your website data: Go to SettingsSafariAdvancedWebsite InformationRemove All Website Information.

Removing Website Data while keeping history
Removing Website Data while keeping history

Streamline your electronic mail storage.

Your email can store a considerable amount of data on your iPhone, both in cached emails and attachments, so it'southward worth exploring options to reduce the space your email takes up.

The easiest way to save infinite is to consolidate your emails. If you have a Gmail business relationship, it'southward possible that yous're using both Apple's Mail service app and the Gmail app for i account. If this is the case, you lot can delete one app and use only the other one, potentially halving the amount of storage used!

Another way to cut down on your electronic mail data is by removing and then re-calculation your email. This can help yous to free up storage by clearing this data from your iPhone (though not from your email account).

Once you've verified that you connect to your email account using IMAP, rather than POP, yous can continue to delete your electronic mail business relationship, safe in the knowledge that your data will exist protected.

To remove your electronic mail from your iPhone, get to SettingsPasswords & Accounts[your email providerDelete Account.

To reinstall your business relationship, go back into Passwords & Accounts and select Add Account.

Removing and re-adding your email account to save data
Removing and re-adding your email account to save information

Fill-in and restore your iPhone.

If y'all've tried the two steps above, just still accept a large amount of storage infinite existence consumed by Other storage, yous can backup and restore your iPhone to reduce the size of your Other data. Be aware that doing so volition also crusade your Apple Sentinel to fill-in and restore, too. Find out how to create a backup and restore your iPhone here.

How to reduce infinite used past your Photo Library

Blame your iPhone's fantastic camera for your always-increasing photo library. We're beginning the app-specific portion of this guide with Photos, every bit it often uses up more of iPhone storage than all other apps and programs combined.

If you lot find your iPhone storage is being held at the mercy of your vacation photos, hither are some steps y'all can implement to increase storage on your iPhone by reducing the amount of storage dedicated to Photos:

Delete duplicate photos

Considering we store a considerable number of photos on our phones, many of u.s.a. unknowingly shop multiple copies of the same photograph on ane device, or shop multiple versions of similar pictures, where we only demand 1. Deleting duplicate photos can free up a significant amount of space.

Select 'Never' to prevent photos stacking up in your storage
Select 'Never' to forbid photos stacking upwards in your storage

Photos can be deleted manually, i by one, or equally a group, simply both of these methods are significantly fourth dimension-consuming.

Speed things up past using one of the many free apps bachelor, such equally Remo Indistinguishable Photos Remover, which can not simply observe and delete duplicates, but also allows y'all to delete similar photos.

Removing duplicate photos with Remo
Removing duplicate photos with Remo

Use iCloud to complimentary iPhone storage

This is by far the most effective way to gratuitous up significant storage (if you don't believe united states, ringlet dorsum upwards to the first ready of images in this guide to meet how much storage you can free up past offloading some of your images). Using iCloud, you can optimise photograph storage, by moving full-resolution versions of most of your photos to iCloud, with lower-resolution versions even so bachelor to browse on your iPhone.

For each iCloud account, the first 5 GB of iCloud storage are gratuitous, just you'll likely have more than five GB of photos stored on your iPhone, which ways you'll need to pay to implement this step. Luckily information technology's pretty cheap, and you can also share the storage across your family. See our iCloud storage guide for more than information nigh iCloud.

Hither'southward how to increase your iCloud Storage on your iPhone: go to Settings[Your Proper name]iCloudManage Storage and tap Buy More Storage or Alter Storage Plan to choose your plan and follow payment instructions.

Once yous accept enough iCloud storage for your photos, you lot can move the majority of your photos to iCloud by following these steps:

  1. Go to SettingsPhotos
  2. Toggle iCloud Photos on to store photos on iCloud
  3. Select Optimise iPhone Storage to ensure storage is saved on your iPhone

This is a not bad manner to manage your Photo storage long-term, but it'southward important to note that when you enable Optimise Storage, the full resolution versions of images will exist kept on your device until the storage space is needed by something else. This space will become available (with the images offloaded) as you brainstorm downloading films, apps and music. And in the meantime, yous tin continue to view, share and edit your images in full resolution without waiting for them to download.

In that location are a couple of drawbacks to this method, however. Offloading images will reduce the quality of temporary images, pregnant y'all won't be able to access the full resolution photos offline, and when you're online, they volition take a little time to download before yous can view them. Some other drawback is that your iPhone may not be able to recognize who is in each photograph, so your albums of people may not record all the photos you take of each person, although any photos that accept already been sorted into these albums will not be removed after they have been offloaded.

Empty your Deleted Photos folder

This is an easy fashion to free upwardly some boosted space in your Photograph Library. When you delete photos on your phone, they move to a binder of recently deleted photos. Your iPhone volition permanently delete these photos subsequently 40 days, but in the meantime, those photos are yet using upward storage on your iPhone. If you lot're trying to free upwards your iPhone storage past deleting photos, make sure to empty your deleted photos once y'all've done so with the following steps:

  1. Open the Photos app on your iPhone
  2. Scroll all the fashion down to Recently Deleted
  3. Open up this binder, and make sure all the photos within can exist permanently removed (you tin recover photos you'd prefer to keep)
  4. Click Select in the superlative right
  5. Click Delete All in the lesser left
Free up storage by emptying your Deleted Photos folder
Gratis up storage by emptying your Deleted Photos binder

Brand sure you've enabled files to exist stored every bit High Efficiency

Since iPhone 7, Apple tree take stored images every bit HEIF files and videos as HEVC files by default. Storing images and videos in this format tin can reduce a significant amount of space, with some tests estimating that JPEG files (the traditional prototype format) are eighty% larger than HEIF files.

HEIF/HEVC files are enabled as a default on nearly contempo iPhones, but if it is disabled, your photos will utilise much more storage. To make sure this part is enabled on your iPhone:

  1. Become to Settings on your iPhone
  2. Curl downwardly to Camera
  3. Select Formats
  4. Tap Loftier Efficiency
Store images in High Efficiency to save space
Store images in Loftier Efficiency to salvage space

Store your photos on your computer

If y'all determine you don't actually need to accept access to the photos on your iPhone regularly, you might want to store them on your estimator, instead.

To do this, you tin can either AirDrop your photos in groups to your Mac, or create a backup of your iPhone and pull the photos from the fill-in using iPhone Fill-in Extractor. Find out how here.

Disable live photos

Live photos, which tape a short video rather than a static paradigm, have up more infinite on your iPhone than regular images. To disable this function, open your Camera, then tap the 2d icon from the left at the top of the screen until Live Off appears.

Avoid taking live photos to save space
Avert taking live photos to relieve space

To make certain these settings don't alter in the future, get to SettingsPhotographic cameraPreserve Settings and toggle Live Photograph on.

Preserve camera settings to avoid these reverting
Preserve camera settings to avert these reverting

How to reduce infinite used by Messages

Messages are some other area of storage that can seriously add together upward, especially if y'all tend to send images, GIFs or Memojis in your chats.

Delete attachments

Every bit the images you send and receive take up the largest amount of space in your messages, y'all should kickoff by clearing any attachments from your messages that you don't need. To do this:

  1. On your iPhone, go to Messages and click on a chat with lots of attachments
  2. Tap on the recipient's name in the top middle, and then tap info
  3. Scroll down to photos and select Come across all Photos
  4. Tap Select in the top correct, so select all the photos y'all want to delete, and tap Delete in the bottom right
Free space by deleting iMessage photo attachments
Free infinite by deleting iMessage photo attachments

How to reduce space used by WhatsApp

WhatsApp chat groups can rack upwardly serious amounts of data, with images, gifs and voice messages existence thrown effectually by multiple people. Luckily, you tin can remove all these types of data from your WhatsApp chats to free up space directly on the app.

Here'south how to reduce WhatsApp storage on your iPhone:

  1. Open WhatsApp on your iPhone
  2. Tap the Settings cog in the bottom right, then tap Data and Storage Usage
  3. Tap Storage Usage to see how much data is being used past each of your chats
  4. Select the conversation yous want to remove data from, then click Manage
Your WhatsApp chats will be sorted from largest to smallest
Your WhatsApp chats volition exist sorted from largest to smallest

This will tick all of the different types of data in your conversation, if yous only want to remove sure types of information, untick everything other than the information you want to remove, then tap Clear. To foreclose WhatsApp from using up as much of your storage in the future, you can stop it from machine-downloading photos and videos sent through WhatsApp to your Photograph Stream. Here'southward how:

  1. Open WhatsApp and go into Settings, then Data and Storage Usage
  2. Await at your settings for each item in the Media Auto-Download section
  3. To minimise the amount of information used past WhatsApp, each of these items should be gear up to Never

How to reduce space used by Films and Television shows: Netflix, Prime number Video and Apple TV

Films and TV shows can accept up vast amounts of storage on your device, so make sure Netflix, Prime Now, Apple TV and other video apps aren't monopolising your information with the following steps.

Review Downloaded Videos

If you download films and TV shows to lookout offline, you tin chop-chop review and remove any y'all no longer demand on your device by going into SettingsFull generaliPhone Storage. If you see Review Downloaded Videos nether the recommendations section, tap information technology, and information technology will take you lot to your downloaded videos on Netflix, Amazon Prime and other apps (unfortunately, Apple TV downloads will non announced here). To delete whatsoever of these videos, swipe left and click Delete.

Remove downloaded videos to free up space
Remove downloaded videos to free up space


To make certain Netflix isn't using up storage at a later phase, brand sure automatic downloads are non enabled:

  1. Open to Netflix on your iPhone and choose your contour
  2. Tap More in the lesser right, then App Settings
  3. Make certain Smart Downloads is toggled off
Toggle Smart Downloads off to prevent Netflix from using up your storage
Toggle Smart Downloads off to foreclose Netflix from using upwardly your storage

You can too lower the video quality and delete all downloads from this screen to save even more space.

Unlike Netflix, Prime number Video won't motorcar-download videos to your iPhone, so you lot don't need to update whatever of your settings in the Prime Video app; though you tin delete Prime Video downloads in bulk from the app past going to DownloadsEditSelect allDelete.

Apple Television

Brainstorm by reviewing your downloads for Apple TV on your iPhone. To practice this, open the Apple tree Television receiver app and tap Downloaded. Yous can remove downloads by swiping left.

If you desire to keep Apple tree TV downloads on your phone, but too need more storage, you lot tin store videos at a lower quality by going to SettingsTViTunes Videos and toggle Download HDR Videos off.

Avoid downloading HDR Videos to save iPhone storage
Avoid downloading HDR Videos to save iPhone storage

How to reduce space used by Music and Podcasts: Spotify, Apple tree Music & Podcasts

Having music and podcasts downloaded tin be a lifesaver when commuting or at the gym, only keeping hold of albums you no longer listen to can clog up your iPhone's storage.

Apple tree Music

If you utilise Apple tree Music, yous tin manage and delete downloaded music by going to SettingsMusicDownloaded Music. To delete music, tap edit then swipe left on artists y'all want to remove from your library.

Delete music in settings to free space
Delete music in settings to free space

You lot can also toggle Optimise Storage on (you can come across this option in the Downloads section of the image above). Optimising storage in Apple tree Music will offload some of your downloaded content, removing the songs you listen to the least. However, you cannot control which songs are removed when you optimise storage, then yous may prefer not to turn on this role.


To free up space on Spotify, follow these steps:

  1. Delete your cache: In Spotify, go to SettingsStorageDelete Cache. This will not delete your downloaded music, only could costless upward around 500mb.

    Delete your Spotify cache
    Delete your Spotify cache
  2. Delete downloaded playlists. Go to your library. Playlists with a green arrow next to them are downloaded to your device. To remove a playlist from your downloads, tap it, then tap the three dots in the acme correct corner, and select Remove Download.

  3. You can also modify the quality of your downloads and disable Canvas (a feature that shows moving visuals for some tracks), to cutting down on storage used by Spotify. To practice so, tap the Settings cog in Spotify, tap Data Saver and toggle the push button on.

Podcasts and Audiobooks

If you employ Apple'southward Podcasts app, you lot can prevent automatic podcast downloads by going to SettingsPodcasts, selecting Download Episodes and changing this to Off. If y'all'd like to continue downloading podcasts automatically, you can reduce the frequency with which content is downloaded in the Refresh Every department, and you lot can also toggle Delete Played Episodes on, to reduce the storage these files volition take up.

Prevent Auto Downloads in Podcasts
Forbid Auto Downloads in Podcasts

For audiobooks downloaded with Audible, yous can delete content from your device without removing it from your Audible account by going into the Audible app and swiping left on an audiobook to delete. Audiobooks not downloaded from your device will yet be visible, and available to download again at a later phase.

Delete completed audiobooks in Audible
Delete completed audiobooks in Audible

Additionally, you tin can lower the quality of downloads in Audible past clicking ContourSettings, and irresolute Download Quality to Standard, which will have upward less infinite on your telephone. You can too download your audiobook in sections, by selecting Download by Parts in the Settings menu and selecting Multiple-Parts, which will allow y'all to download only the sections you're currently listening to.

Let united states of america know how these tips work out for you in the comments department below.

How To Delete Documents And Data From Safari,


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